Have you ever wondered where this saying came from? Well I have it on good ‘Google’ authority  that it is a proverb from the Levent (Persian, Hebrew and Turkey) province, around 1200AD. In the 19thcentury it was retold in a poem by the English poet Edward FirzGerald. It was also notably employed in a speech by Abraham Lincoln before he became the sixteen President of the USA, when he was addressing the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society in 1859. I’m quite sure you are familiar with the hopeful quote as well and may have even used it yourself on #thistooshallpass Instagram just like 574,000 other users have, when needing to know there is light at the end of the tunnel…and it’s not the train coming the other way!

Well I think I can confidently say that during my very long life time – yes, she’s fast becoming an old girl… there has been no other more relevant time to be saying “This too shall pass”! For me it brings up emotions of hope; faith and comfort as I believe in a greater power, far stronger than the current corona virus that is spreading our earth at this time. I am not ashamed to say I still believe in miracles and am constantly praying for one!

We are hearing historical stories of the 1912 Spanish Flu pandemic, the aids epidemic and sadly there have been many other attacks on our worlds health, but thank goodness we can look back and say ‘this too has passed’ with faith, brilliant scientists, medical professors and the like using their amazing skills to come up with ways to beat these nasty bugs that sadly have come from mere man making big mistakes!

One of the most important ways of beating this current pandemic is to keep ‘social distancing’ of 1.5 to 2 metres apart. I have found it sooo interesting to note that the countries which have had the most problem with keeping this rule are the western countries. I’m certainly not going to be the judge as to why this seems to be the case, but seeing crowded beaches; pathways; shopping centres etc. after being constantly told to not do it, has been quite frustrating. For all those who are trying their hardest to ‘stay home’, keep the rules, stop the spreading to the most vulnerable in our community and show respect to our leaders making these rules for our own safety and good, has been so disappointing and sad to say the least. Slowly but surely though, the word does seem to be sinking in – although we may have to try harder with these two fury friends!

So how are you getting through this difficult time? For me, I am very grateful that I have a home studio and can while away the hours creating art work. I was so chuffed when my amazing daughter-in-law suggested I do some face time art sessions with my delightful grandson. These have been so much fun and I hope a distraction in his long days. Making up love boxes and games for our other grandchildren who live away from us has also been good for Granny’s heart and also fun for them. I’m so proud of our adult children home schooling their little ones and explaining this whole crazy scenario to them, in what is happening to their once safe and secure world. They are doing such a fantastic job!

Something else that also gives me hope and gets me through each day is a faith in a higher power that brings comfort and peace in times of doubt and fear. I love to meditate on the Word with beautiful, soulful music playing in the background and just let my thoughts fly away to another place where I feel ‘comfort under the shelter of His wings’ and know ‘His angels are watching over me in all my ways’. Psalm 91 is definitely a favourite at this time. I hope with all my heart that you are finding ways to find peace and comfort in your days too, while you are staying at home. Yoga and tai chi is something else friends are finding helpful and how wonderful is it that even though we can’t go out to our classes, we can look them up on the internet and not miss out. There is still so much to be grateful for amidst all the mayhem! I must also add that Netflix is definitely having a good going over too. There are so many beautiful movies and comedy ones to distract our thoughts. Nothing redeems the soul more than a good old belly laugh! I did give the drama/mystery one of my sons suggested a miss though, bless him! I’m sure it was good and even set in England but seeing the gory head of an alpaca – no I won’t go there!! Don’t want to give you nightmares haha! Maybe at a later date when the world seems ‘right’ again… and that is a WHEN not an IF!!

One thing I am really praying for at this time apart from finding a cure; people to be healed; a miracle; our leaders to have wisdom – ohhhh the list is sooo long… is for the world to learn from all of this sadness. Don’t you think our earth is crying out for some healing too? Friends of ours who live overseas in an Asian country have said they can finally have their windows open to let in fresh air. For six years they have had to live constantly with their air conditioner on because of the smog. Now they are seeing blue skies and feeling a gentle breeze as traffic and factories cease during this time. Please oh please, let’s learn the lessons and not go back to the mayhem and destructive ways of the past. I believe God, who gave us this beautiful creation and our earth will be ever so grateful!

So what is left to say? I really want to acknowledge the true heroes of this time. All our medical staff; world leaders; people who are going to work every day to keep our towns alive; our Mums and Dads who are home schooling; our teachers who are internet schooling from home and rostering to go to school so students who have parents that need to work, can do so; families who are apart and have members overseas – this is really heart wrenching at this time (I’m very grateful for ours who are constantly finding entertaining post to put up on WhatsApp & checking in on us); little children who are needing to be so very brave, when none of this makes any sense to them; all the community who are keeping the rules and respecting those who are making them; our elderly who all of a sudden are isolated and feeling lonely… really this is a very short list as there are so many heroes during this pandemic. We also remember those who have lost loved ones that have been taken too soon. The heartbreak of all of this is so unbearable – if only we could wipe it all away for you but we are praying!

My hope and prayer for you all is to keep your eyes on the light that brings hope in the darkness, keeps us from danger and lights up the words “This too shall pass”! May the meaning of Easter and the love of Jesus bring hope and a sense of security to you all.

Stay safe, stay home and feel the love,
Cathy. xx