It’s been so long since my last blog. No excuses…we have just had major life changes, that’s all. Our downsize was massive, moving from a large 4 bedroom/4 livingroom home to a 2 bedroom/2 livingroom villa.
During the sorting I was constantly asking myself “Do I love it enough?” Then depending on the answer, the item would go into the throw; donate or keep box. As the keep box grew into more boxes than the other two, we then re-sorted the keep box and went through the whole scenario again. I must say that this process was quite a painful one for myself especially as I am quite sentimental and just love collecting. Yes, I did love the Royal Albert plates enough!
When the move finally took place there was still a garage full of items that had to be put through the painful process of ‘love enough’ all over again. It was made less painful though with the help of two dear friends who came and helped me decide, and went home with a few goodies themselves! Finally we are all sorted, loving our downsized life and the ease of not having so many possessions or rooms to look after.
One of the things we love about our move is an indoor pool which we try and visit 3 times a week…at least! I have even been brave enough to join a water aerobics class. This did take some coaxing (well pushing and shoving really) from family and myself too actually. The thought of Cathy in a cozzie after many years of staying high and dry wasn’t something I was looking forward to. The deciding factor came after a visit to a specialist who advised me that this type of exercise would be beneficial and may put off an operation if the damaged area became strong enough.
Well what can I say? Why didn’t I try this earlier? It has been just wonderful to see my body strengthen. One of the main areas our instructor encourages us in, is to strengthen our core. Week after week we go through the regime of balancing exercises to make our core strong.
I was reminded of this today when we visited a beautiful garden not far from where we live. In the middle of a pond was an island that the ducks had oven taken. Standing on a rock was a cute little wood duck. She was balancing so capably on one leg that I wondered if she had lost the other one. Then as if to answer my thought, her other leg popped down quickly, then rose again as she nestled her head under her wing for a little lunch time snooze. As visions of our aerobics classes and women wobbling, splashing and giggling came to mind I thought how impressed I was with Mrs. Wood Duck and her strong core and how inspirational the sight was. I assured myself I would share it with the ladies in our next class.
As it usually goes with me, further thoughts started to overtake my mind as I pondered on the fact that it is not only our body that has a core, but our minds do to. There are so many healthy mind exercises we can do to keep ourselves from sinking into the depths of despair when harmful musings try to take hold.
Our whole being, body, soul and spirit needs to have a healthy core to keep in balance and to stop ourselves from toppling over the edge. For me my faith is what keeps me strong in my thought life and as I was leaving the beautiful garden today the sound of a waterfall beckoned me over. The music of the water running over the rocks was so calming and soothing and then the thought from my Heavenly Father….
“Let my love wash over you just as the water is washing over these rocks.
Let my love calm you, sooth you and make you whole.
Let my love strength you from the inside out…
My love is all you need…
His name is Jesus.
With Easter approaching dear friends, I hope and pray you will know the love of God as He washes over you and makes your core strong through everything His son Jesus has done for you.
Love and blessings,
Cathy xx
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